To fully experience the process, we'd like to make you an exclusive offer. A trial session at less than half the price, just for you.

Exclusive Offer

Get the full experience for less than half price at $40.

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need that push to try a listening session?

A professional listener can help you heal, de-stress and get your power back without needing to fix who you truly are

experience the listening process


In this trial listening call with Mubeena, you will experience a full one-hour session to help you decide whether this process is right for you.

During the call, your Listener will:

1. Start the session by asking “At this moment, what would you like me to know about you?”

2. Guide you gently to open up about what’s been on your mind that needs to come to the surface

3. Allow you to express your thoughts according to your style, i.e. there is no need to stay logical or linear

4. Give you space to process your feelings, whether it be through silence, soft reflection or loud venting

5. Probe you with mindful questions with your permission if you are seeking a specific answer

want someone to talk to because you are

feeling judged, misunderstood, undervalued or overwhelmed?

Talk to a Professional Listener About It.


  • Are you tired of being criticized and judged by those around you?
  • Are you looking for a spiritual way to heal without psychotherapy?
  • Are you drained with the unnecessary advice people are forcing upon you?
  • Do you feel people have the wrong idea about who you are?
  • Are you yearning for clarity about a particular decision or situation?
  • Do you need to confide in or express yourself to someone you can trust?
  • Is your heart hurting from a recent or past trauma?
Book Appointment

have a motivation cookie

be kind to you

Did you give yourself a gift today by signing up for the $40 trial session? Nobody has to know and your secrets are safe. If you still have questions or have trouble booking, email